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Crystal Guiga
Your Neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer
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Crystal Guiga
Crystal is a New York City-based Estate Planning Attorney, Mom, and Trusted Advisor. Through Guiga Law she strives to build lifelong relationships with her clients to make sure they have a plan in place that they fully understand and that will protect who they love and what they have not only today, but for their whole life…and beyond.
along with...
Kate Hufnagel
The Digital Wrangler
Kate is a professional legacy organizer who loves educating individuals and families on how our modern world creates challenges when it comes to the taboo topic of legacy planning. Kate has spoken across the country and been on a variety of podcasts to inspire people to proactively make things easier for loved ones when the inevitable, or unexpected, happens. She is also a bonus mom of two adults and is on a lifelong quest to find the world's best donut.
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